styleref problem


Chip Orange

I'm using the style ref field in a header, but I'm finding it's only
displaying a portion of the paragraph that's in the desired style. It
doesn't appear to be a particularly long paragraph, and there appears to be
more than enough room in the header, and yet the last part of the paragraph
is being chopped off.

Any ideas?



Charles Kenyon

If you put your insertion point in the part of the paragraph not being
copied what style shows up on your styles dropdown window? Is it the one you

Which version of Word are you using? In Word 2002 and later it is possible
to have multiple paragraph styles in one paragraph.

Are there tab characters in the paragraph? It is possible that the part
after the tabs is outside your page margins because of the tab settings in
the header and footer styles.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Chip Orange

thanks for your suggestions, but none of these seem to be the issue.

We have noticed that it's always the first 255 characters that are displayed
by styleref, do you think this is an inherant limitation?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Very likely, yes, but it must be a limitation only of specific fields, as
there is (AFAIK) no such limitation for, say, AutoText fields or TOC fields
(not to mention Index fields)--the field results, that is; there *is* a
limit on the length of the field code.

Chip Orange said:
thanks for your suggestions, but none of these seem to be the issue.

We have noticed that it's always the first 255 characters that are displayed
by styleref, do you think this is an inherant limitation?


Chip Orange

Yes, when we tried the same text using a bookmark and an xref field we got
all the text (unfortunately, we need to create such sections in our document
multiple times and so working with unique bookmarks and xref fields each
time becomes a problem).


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
Very likely, yes, but it must be a limitation only of specific fields, as
there is (AFAIK) no such limitation for, say, AutoText fields or TOC fields
(not to mention Index fields)--the field results, that is; there *is* a
limit on the length of the field code.

message news:[email protected]...
thanks for your suggestions, but none of these seem to be the issue.

We have noticed that it's always the first 255 characters that are displayed
by styleref, do you think this is an inherant limitation?



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