


Pardon my long message; I have been fighting this all
afternoon :)

I have set up styleref fields in the footer of a
document. The style the footer references is on page 1;
the footer starts on page 2. I have several fields in the
footer that work properly. However, when I try to create
a styleref to one particular style, the results are not
displayed. The text I typed and highlighted to create the
reference is no longer visible. The cursor moves to the
next character, which itself results from a styleref.

Now here is the kicker: When I toggle field codes, the
code is there. But the results are not displayed when I
toggle back. The results do not print, either.

I have tried deleting the footers and creating all the
stylerefs again, modifying the style, ensuring the text
is not changing to white, and copying the reference from
another document in which the styleref functions properly.

Any other suggestions would be welcome. I am using 2000.


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Lee,

Is it possible that the actual text is formatted as "hidden"?
I have set up styleref fields in the footer of a
document. The style the footer references is on page 1;
the footer starts on page 2. I have several fields in the
footer that work properly. However, when I try to create
a styleref to one particular style, the results are not
displayed. The text I typed and highlighted to create the
reference is no longer visible. The cursor moves to the
next character, which itself results from a styleref.

Now here is the kicker: When I toggle field codes, the
code is there. But the results are not displayed when I
toggle back. The results do not print, either.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Peter Jamieson

If you can e-mail the document I'm certainly willing to have a look at it.
If you do, let me know which Service Pack/release you are using.



I appreciate your offer to look at the document. I tried
to e-mail the document to (e-mail address removed)
but got an 'undeliverable' message. Please e-mail me the
correct address.

Thank you!



I don't think it is formatted as hidden. When I paste the
footer into page 1, all the stylerefs are in black text
and work properly on that page. Even when I select 'same
as previous,' this one styleref does not work on
subsequent pages.

Do you have any other ideas?



I have identified the cause of the error, which in
hindsight should have been obvious. I am a newbie to
field references. . .

I formatted the style so that it became red, bold itallic
and turned on the 'paragraph' marks. I quickly saw that
the style was used in more than one place. The last place
it was used was marked with a blank paragraph mark, thus
the results were blank.

Thank you to the MVP's for their help!


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Lee,

Glad you tracked it down :)!

BTW, practically no one is using his correct email address in
these groups, anymore. All the virus-generated SPAM mail is
*still* clogging our inboxes (I average 2-3 / MINUTE!). We
had to do something to protect ourselves. Usually, what's
been added is fairly obvious (not in my or Peter's case);
Peter probably forgot he'd jumbled his, since until a week
ago we both used our real addresses.
I have identified the cause of the error, which in
hindsight should have been obvious. I am a newbie to
field references. . .

I formatted the style so that it became red, bold itallic
and turned on the 'paragraph' marks. I quickly saw that
the style was used in more than one place. The last place
it was used was marked with a blank paragraph mark, thus
the results were blank.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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