I frequently copy and paste large tables between documents that were based on
the same template. Lately, the overall table style sometimes changes when
pasted into a new document, and all table contents take on the new style.
For example, I may have a table that has the StyleNameA style applied (select
the whole table, and this is the style that shows in the style area of the
toolbar), and the contents of the cells have a paragraph style called
ContentsStyleNameA applied. When this table is copied and pasted into
another document, the overall table style StyleNameA might change to
StyleNameB. Further, it might change to StyleNameC if pasted into another
document. The style applied to the cell contents remains the same.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Thanks very much for any help.
the same template. Lately, the overall table style sometimes changes when
pasted into a new document, and all table contents take on the new style.
For example, I may have a table that has the StyleNameA style applied (select
the whole table, and this is the style that shows in the style area of the
toolbar), and the contents of the cells have a paragraph style called
ContentsStyleNameA applied. When this table is copied and pasted into
another document, the overall table style StyleNameA might change to
StyleNameB. Further, it might change to StyleNameC if pasted into another
document. The style applied to the cell contents remains the same.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Thanks very much for any help.