Styles & Formatting



I have now set up my document using styles & formatting.

Is there any way I can "lock" the styles I have created?
ie if someone else comes along and uses my style - but
then changes the tab point etc it creates a second style
or updates mine. Can I stop this from happening?

Charles Kenyon

Not really. You could save your document as a template. Then, when they use
File > New to create a new document based on the template, they would be
working in their document rather than your template.

You should make the template read-only (in Windows - properties). This will
help prevent accidental changes.
Charles Kenyon

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We are all using Word 2002. I had set the styles and
formatting up in a template - but as soon as one of the
others uses it and moves the tab it still throws out the
whole document. It is a shame - as apart from that it
would be brilliant for our long documents.


Shauna Kelly

Hi Nicki

You can prevent people from changing styles only in Word 2003. You can't
prevent users from changing styles in their documents in Word 2002. But you
can make sure that your template is either (a) on a server and set to be
read-only, and/or (b) updated on individuals' machines when they log in.
And, train users to create new documents from the template, and not from
existing documents, so you at least minimize the problems.

However, some of your apparent problems might be due to the way the Styles &
Formatting pane works in Word 2002. Word 2002 doesn't create new styles, but
the Styles & Formatting Pane may be displaying combinations of style +
direct formatting. There's more info at

How the Styles and Formatting pane works in Word 2002 and 2003

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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