Great... I can't find it either.

It appears the preference is now
However, it appears to be set ON by default. There are some complicated
rules about its operation:
1) It doesn't work for Normal style
2) It doesn't work if the Formatting Palette is open.
3) It works only if you perform the operation through the Style drop-down
on the Formatting toolbar.
If you apply a style, then you make a change to the paragraph formatting,
and then RE-apply the SAME style, you will be prompted whether you want to
update the style or revert the paragraph.
You may find it more convenient to use the new mechanism on the Formatting
1) Open the formatting palette
2) Apply a style
3) Make a change to the formatting of the paragraph
4) Open the Styles section of the Formatting Palette
5) in the "Pick a style to apply" division, scroll to the style you applied
6) Hover over the name of the style. A grey arrow appears at the right end
of the name.
7) Drop down that arrow.
8) Choose the "Update style to match selection" item.
It's a lot quicker to do it than it is to describe it.
Hope this helps
Thanks John. Maybe I'd forgotten I had done that in the past. But I've just
been right through Word 2008's preferences and I can't find this setting. Can
you provide its exact location please?
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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]