Styles, Stationery or Templates--e-mail


Joe McGuire

Can anyone point me to an article or two on the relationship, if any, of
these things in OL 2003 to composing e-mail? And how to gain control over
the formatting? I am not interested in anything exotic but only in making
sure that the fonts and signatures I want are always "there" I thought I
had somehow cobbled things together (pretty blindly) over the years but
adding a second profile to OL has me trying to figure it out all over
again--and I no longer recall whatever I did. Lotza questions. Like how to
save whatever formatting I prefer so that it always shows up in the "form"
that pops up when I compose e-mail. Is there a template? Is it stationery?
How to di Make it/them? Where (and how) do I save whatever it is? If I do
anything, will it screw up my in Word? Etc. All I remember is
making the signatures! And using Word as the e-mail editor. But the body
of my e-mails is a different font!

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