Styles styles styles



I am writing a report and need to use the styles facility for consistency.
How can I stop my body text style form spawning a new style every time I
change the format in the slightest way, indented, italic, bold, text this
text that etc etc. This just clutters the list of styles and is a pain. It
seems to make no difference whether or not the "Automatically update" box is
checked or not.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

On the Edit tab of Tools | Options, clear the check box for "Keep track of
formatting." Note that these are new styles, just "formatting."


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
On the Edit tab of Tools | Options, clear the check box for "Keep track of
formatting." Note that these are new styles, just "formatting."

Brilliant, thanks a lot. Like so many MS things which try to be helpful,
they can make matters impossible! Are there any other gems like that which
you think I should know?



time track

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:


Many thanks. That link was excellent. Here, for the benefit of others, is
a quote from the first paragraph:

"Users upgrading from Word 97 or 2000 to Word 2002 are often dismayed by
some of the more radical changes in the user interface. “Task panes,” “Smart
Tags,” and “Paste Options” are among the intrusions that may drive them to
distraction," also add auto formatting (aka auto destroy all your work)



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