hendrik wittkopf
I would like to style publications within a reference in italics, ie,
"Clin Rehabil" in
25 Wade DT. Research into the black box of rehabilitation: the risks
of a type III error. Clin Rehabil 2001; 15: 1–4.
Does anyone know how to create a "find/replace"/macro, in order to
extract only the publication (which is always followed by the
publication date, and a colon).
"Clin Rehabil" in
25 Wade DT. Research into the black box of rehabilitation: the risks
of a type III error. Clin Rehabil 2001; 15: 1–4.
Does anyone know how to create a "find/replace"/macro, in order to
extract only the publication (which is always followed by the
publication date, and a colon).