Creating ten columns (fields) for owners in tblHorseInfo is the wrong way to
go. What you need are three tables, tblHorseInfo, tblOwners and
tblHorseOwnership. The last one models the many-to-many relationship between
tblHorseInfo and tblHorses. It does this by having two foreign key columns
HorseID and OwnerID which reference the primary keys of tblHorseInfo and
tblOwners. These two columns formm the composite primary key of the table.
So if a horse has 3 owners there are 3 rows in tblHorseOwnership with the
same HorseID and different owberID values. Similarly if a person has an
ownership intesest in 2 horses there would be two rows in tblHorseOwnership
with the same OwnerID and different HorseID values.
To see the owners for "Big Red" while on his record in a form based on
tblHorseInfo you can open another form based on a query such as:
SELECT HorseName, OwnerName
(tblHorseInfo INNER JOIN tblHorseOwnership
ON tblHorseInfo.HorseID = tblHorseOwnership.HorseID)
ON tblOwners.OwnerID = tblHorseOwnership.OwnerID
WHERE tblHorseInfo.HorseID = Forms!frmHorseInfo!HorseID
ORDER BY OwnerName;
where frmHorseInfo is the name of the form based on the tblHorseInfo table.
The code for a button on this form to open the other form would be:
Dim strCriteria As String
strCriteria = "HorseID = " & Me.HorseID
DoCmd. OpenForm "frmHorseOwnership", WhereCondition:=strCriteria
This assumes HorseID is a number data type. If it were text you'd wrap the
value in quotes:
strCriteria = "HorseID = """ & Me.HorseID & """"
An alternative ( and I'd say a better one) would be to have a subform in
frmHorseInfo for the owners. This would be based on the tblHorseOwnership
table, be in continuous form or datasheet view and linked to the parent form
on HorseID. It would have just one control, a combo box bound to the OwnerID
column with a RowSource of:
SELECT OwnerID,OwnerName
FROM tblOwners
ORDER BY OwnerName;
Its BoundColumn property would be 1, its ColumnCount property 2 and its
ColumnWidths property 0cm;8cm (or rough equivalent in inches but the first
dimension must be zero to hide the OwnerID column and show the names only).
With this arrangement you simply add a new row in the subform for each owner
by selecting a name from the list.
You can of course have other columns in tblHorseOwnership if you wish for
such things as the date the person acquired ownership etc.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England