


I'm currently using the dsum function to sum data for a report. This runs
very slow. I've read in other posts that a sub-query will speed up the
process. I've tried to write a sub-query but I just can not get it to work.
I'm pasting in the SQL for my dsum query. If someone could tell me how to do
a sub query I would be very greatful:

SELECT [tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem, Sum([tblInvToHSB-Messages].Qty) AS
[Qty Due This Week], [tblInvToHSB-Messages].Branch,
DSum("[Qty]","tblInvToHSB-Messages","[ShortItem] = " & [ShortItem] & "") AS
[Total Qty Due This Week] INTO [tblInvToHS-2Step2]
FROM [tblInvToHSB-Messages]
WHERE ((([tblInvToHSB-Messages].MsgTyp)="95") AND
(([tblInvToHSB-Messages].[Srt Date])>=Date() And ([tblInvToHSB-Messages].[Srt
GROUP BY [tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem, [tblInvToHSB-Messages].Branch
HAVING ((([tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem)=30962) AND
(([tblInvToHSB-Messages].Branch) In (" MVECHS"," MTSPRO","

Also, is there a way to do this in design view? I really don't use SQL that

Thanks for your help,

Duane Hookom

You could try something like:
SELECT [tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem,
Sum([tblInvToHSB-Messages].Qty) AS [Qty Due This Week],
(SELECT Sum([Qty])
FROM [tblInvToHSB-Messages] A
WHERE A.[ShortItem] = [tblInvToHSB-Messages].[ShortItem]) AS [Total Qty Due
This Week]
INTO [tblInvToHS-2Step2]
FROM [tblInvToHSB-Messages]
WHERE MsgTyp="95" AND
[Srt Date] BETWEEN Date() AND Date()+7 AND
ShortItem=30962 AND
Branch In (" MVECHS"," MTSPRO"," SVECDN");
GROUP BY [tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem,

You may need to add the subquery into the GROUP BY. Also, it seems you want
the same sum for multiple ShortItems within the same Branch.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
If I have helped you, please help me by donating to UCP

Klatuu said:
Do the summing in the report. It is actually much faster that way.
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Robert_DubYa said:
I'm currently using the dsum function to sum data for a report. This runs
very slow. I've read in other posts that a sub-query will speed up the
process. I've tried to write a sub-query but I just can not get it to work.
I'm pasting in the SQL for my dsum query. If someone could tell me how to do
a sub query I would be very greatful:

SELECT [tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem, Sum([tblInvToHSB-Messages].Qty) AS
[Qty Due This Week], [tblInvToHSB-Messages].Branch,
DSum("[Qty]","tblInvToHSB-Messages","[ShortItem] = " & [ShortItem] & "") AS
[Total Qty Due This Week] INTO [tblInvToHS-2Step2]
FROM [tblInvToHSB-Messages]
WHERE ((([tblInvToHSB-Messages].MsgTyp)="95") AND
(([tblInvToHSB-Messages].[Srt Date])>=Date() And ([tblInvToHSB-Messages].[Srt
GROUP BY [tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem, [tblInvToHSB-Messages].Branch
HAVING ((([tblInvToHSB-Messages].ShortItem)=30962) AND
(([tblInvToHSB-Messages].Branch) In (" MVECHS"," MTSPRO","

Also, is there a way to do this in design view? I really don't use SQL that

Thanks for your help,

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