Sub-Report won't always display..

  • Thread starter every1luvsVB via
  • Start date

every1luvsVB via

hello there,

I am trying to dynamically assign a report (and its sub-report) resultset
values from various form filters, ie. toggle buttons, combo boxes, via a
SELECT INTO query being ran then assigned as the report's record source..

I have the sub-report 'link child fields - link master fields' functionality
linked to the parent report correctly as far as i can see.

The issue I am having is that the report rarely displays any sub-report
values, although they should exist.

A point to note is that i had it working fine before i introduced the
filtering into the report.. i think it could be someting to do with this
parent (main report) table that i am dynamically creating??

psuedocode is:

onclick of openrpt button:

sqlstring = select blah from blah into blah

select case toggle value
WhereClauseString = blah
case toggle value
WhereClauseString = blah
case toggle value
WhereClauseString = blah
end case

sqlstring = sqlstring & WhereClauseString

runSQL, using sqlstring (with dynamic tablename assigned at design time..)

open report

Am at the end of my tether with this one -any ideas?

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