I have the following set of data and I am wanting to sub-
total the cISBN's Qty*Freq.
ISBN Name Qty cISBN Cname Freq Qty*Freq
07465 Test 1 34 123 C1 4 136
07465 Test 1 34 234 C2 4 136
07465 Test 1 34 345 C3 4 136
81723 Test 2 10 234 C2 5 50
81723 Test 2 10 345 C3 5 50
81723 Test 2 10 654 C4 5 50
81723 Test 2 10 765 C5 5 50
Is there a function or macro that can do this? I would
like to keep the cISBN and Cname together.
total the cISBN's Qty*Freq.
ISBN Name Qty cISBN Cname Freq Qty*Freq
07465 Test 1 34 123 C1 4 136
07465 Test 1 34 234 C2 4 136
07465 Test 1 34 345 C3 4 136
81723 Test 2 10 234 C2 5 50
81723 Test 2 10 345 C3 5 50
81723 Test 2 10 654 C4 5 50
81723 Test 2 10 765 C5 5 50
Is there a function or macro that can do this? I would
like to keep the cISBN and Cname together.