Sub webs and Index.htm



When I created a sub web for my web page it created an additional index.htm
When I published the site you could not get back to the main web after going
to the subweb. I deleted the index.htm from the published version and it
seems to have curred that problem. I had fould that rename the Index.htm
created havock with links. Is there a problem with this that I have not
discovered yet?

Second question when I look at the main web in the transfer box furnished by
the web service the themes and overlays don't show up and therefore aren't
transferred. Is this the reason I am not seeing the theme on the buttons in
the main web? The link to the site is

Thanks for your help.


Subwebs are completely independent from the root web. They have their
own default pages, their own navigation. Themes do not cross the
boundaries between subwebs, or the boundary between root web and subweb.
To "get back" to the main web from a subweb, you need to have a link to
a page (or pages) in the main web.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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FrontPage Support:


Okay, I reinserted the inde.htm in the publishe site and added a link bar to
the main web home. I can now get back to home but the up link now gives me a
problem. If you go up from yhe lower page it returns you to the sub web
index but there are not links showing up at that level and you are trapped
and must reload the web.

Also, I understand that the themes etc are specific to the main web and sub
web, my question is when they don't show up in the file transfer, how can I
get them to the published site?

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