Subdirectories into a userform

  • Thread starter Torstein S. Johnsen
  • Start date

Torstein S. Johnsen

I am not very familiar with userforms, but I use a lot of VBA and I'm very
thankful for a lot of help from this groups.

I have a directory with hundreds of subdirectorys. They are quite difficult
to "navigate" between.

I want to make a userform where the user can write one or more letters in a
field. I want the combo-box tol be filled (is that the same as populated?)
with all subdir that starts with that letter(s). From that combobox the user
can choose one directory and then the fileopen dialog is opened.

I'm sure this is possible. Hope someone can help me in the right direction!




Hi Torstein,

Would you consider this different aproach:
'Needs a reference to (Tools > Reference)
'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation

Dim oShell As Shell32.Shell
Dim oFolder As Shell32.Folder
Dim EverythingOK As Boolean

EverythingOK = False

Set oShell = New Shell32.Shell
Set oFolder = oShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select ", 0)

On Error GoTo NoPath
MsgBox oFolder.Self.Path
EverythingOK = True

Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oShell = Nothing

If EverythingOK Then Exit Sub

On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "Action cancelled by user.", vbExclamation, "Cancelled"

Advantage: User can delete, create or rename folders at will...
Disadvantge: User has to find his way throught he folder tree (as opposed to
typing a few letters, then selecting from a listbox... as per your idea)


Jonathan West

Hi Jean-Guy,

That is definitely neat! And I hadn't come across that library before.
Thanks for sharing! More to explore always...


Hi Jonathan,

For all the times you (and the others MVP's as well) have helped me, I am
sure glad I could share something new with you!

Have a great weekend!


Jonathan West

JGM said:
Hi Jonathan,

For all the times you (and the others MVP's as well) have helped me, I am
sure glad I could share something new with you!

Have a great weekend!

It seems it hadn't come to the notice either of the Word MVPs or even of the
VB MVPs. There are at least 3 MVPs taking an active look at that library
right now to see what it can do. I plan to update the "How to allow the user
to browse to and select a folder" article
( to include this
technique, and you'll get honorable mention as the person who brought it to
our attention :)


Hi Jonathan,

Well, I'll be...!

I was so sure that it was a standard way of doing things... I tought that
the Word.mvps site had that one covered as a standard technique!

Goes to show... you never know!
Honestly, I do not even remember where I picked this up! I thought it was
thorough you or someone else in this NG, as this is where I am being

Have a good one.

Martin Seelhofer

Hi Torstein
I want to make a userform where the user can write one or more letters in a
field. I want the combo-box tol be filled (is that the same as populated?)
with all subdir that starts with that letter(s). From that combobox the user
can choose one directory and then the fileopen dialog is opened.

Here's one way to do it (only roughly outlined):

Consider a UserForm with a Textbox "txtQuickfinder" and a Listbox
"lbxDirectories". The former will be used to fill in the starting letters,
the latter will contain the list of matching listboxes. Write a routine,
which gathers all directories matching a given string and adds them
to the listbox ("PopulateList"), e.g.:

Private Sub PopulateListbox(lbx As ListBox, Optional filter As String = "*")
' Note that you should NEVER hardcode paths! this is just for quick'n'dirty
Const FLDR = "D:\Programme"
Dim directory As String

' clear the listbox of previously added directories
' get first file
directory = Dir(FLDR & "\*", vbDirectory)
' stop if no more file found
If directory = "" Then Exit Do
' this is the tricky part: check if it is a directory, and compare
' current directory's name to the given filter pattern
If isDir(FLDR, directory) And (LCase(directory) Like LCase(filter))
lbx.AddItem directory
End If

directory = Dir()
End Sub

Note that the Dir-function always returns files as well, so don't forget to
check if it really is a directory (line 15). The helper function to check
if a found item is a directory might look something like this:

Function isDir(path As String, name As String) As Boolean
' check if it is a directory
isDir = (GetAttr(path & "\" & name) And vbDirectory)
' check if it is not the . (active dir) or .. ("super" dir)
isDir = isDir And name <> "." And name <> ".."
End Function

That's all you need. Now for the UserForm: Let the listbox be
populated with all subdirs whenever the UserForm ist started

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call PopulateListbox(Me.lbxDirectories)
End Sub

Now the only thing left to do is to react to the Change-event of
the textbox:

Private Sub txtQuickfinder_Change()
Call PopulateListbox(Me.lbxDirectories, Me.txtQuickfinder.text & "*")
End Sub

Done! Not that difficult, was it? There are, however, various things to

- The list of directories comes unsorted. In a more sophisiticated version,
you might want to read the dirs into an array and sort it before adding
the items to the listbox.

- All the directories are read in every time the user writes a letter into
quickfinder-textbox. If you have hundreds of subdirs or if you are
working with network drives, things might run very slowly.

Ok, that's it for the moment. Have fun playing around with the code :)



Martin Seelhofer

Hello again

[This post might as well be called "PopulateListbox revisited" :)]
Would you consider this different aproach:
'Needs a reference to (Tools > Reference)
'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation

The idea of referencing other object-libraries led to my
remembering of the Windows Scripting Host and its
FileSystemObject. This way, you can get the best of
both worlds: a modern object oriented approach together
with the most possible flexibility while still getting a sorted
list of subdirs to work with:

Consider a rewrite of the PopulateListbox-Procedure
which makes use of the FSO: [Needs a reference to the Windows
Script Host Object Model]

Private Sub PopulateListboxNG(lbx As ListBox, Optional filter As String =
' Note that it still does NOT make much sense to hardcode paths like this!
' (this is just for quick'n'dirty demonstration, remember?)
Const FLDR = "D:\Programme"
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim directory As folder
Dim subdir As folder

Set directory = fso.GetFolder(FLDR)
For Each subdir In directory.SubFolders
If (LCase( Like LCase(filter)) Then
End If
End Sub

Or another version without referencing the Scripting Host Object Model
(istn't COM and the IDispatch-interface a cool thing?):

Private Sub PopulateListboxNG(lbx As ListBox, Optional filter As String =
' Note that it still does NOT make much sense to hardcode paths like this!
' (this is just for quick'n'dirty demonstration, remember?)
Const FLDR = "D:\Programme"
Dim fso As Object
Dim directory As Object
Dim subdir As Object

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set directory = fso.GetFolder(FLDR)
For Each subdir In directory.SubFolders
If (LCase( Like LCase(filter)) Then
End If
End Sub

Oh, er, and remember to adjust the function calls in the initialize-
and the change-event-handlers to use PopulateListboxNG.



Jonathan West

In the code sample I'm developing for the website, I plan to do two

1. Use late-binding rather than early-binding, so that the same template
should be able to work without problems irrespective of which version of
Windows it is running under.

2. Have an easy-to-code way of setting all the options in the
BrowseForFolder method. I'll do this by coding it as a class module, and
then allow the different options to be set as properties.

There are apparently some problems using the Shell32 library under Windows
95 - it depends on IE4 or later being installed.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup

Martin Seelhofer

Hi Torstein
What do you mean with hard-code paths?

A "hard-coded" path is something like this:

Const FLDR As String = "D:\Temp"

.... where a path is directly written into the VBA-code. This is generally
not a good idea since you have to change your Macro-code whenever
you want to switch to another directory. Usually, you save such a path
in a configuration file (*.ini) which you can easily access using Word's

' save value in the specified file
System.PrivateProfileString(file, section, key) = value

Or to read a value:

' read a value out of the specified file
value = System.PrivateProfileString(file, section, key)

In order not to make things worse, you generally use a filename, which
is the same as the template/document's name but ending on ".ini". To achieve
this, you can write a simple function which constructs such a name (not

Function getIniFilename() As String
getIniFilename = Thisdocument.FullName
getIniFilename = left(getIniFilename, len(getIniFilename)-3) & "ini"
End Function

With that function, it is easy to read/write a value to an ini file.
To save e.g. "D:\Temp" as the value of the key "Folder" in the section
"General", use the following statement:

System.PrivateProfileString(getIniFilename(), "General", "Folder") =

To read the same value into a variable (e.g. into variable foldername),

foldername = System.PrivateProfileString(getIniFilename(), "General",

If you create functions to read/write the path, you can workaround
the problem with "hard-coded" paths and do not need to change the
VBA-code whenever you change your mind and want to use another

Function getPath() As String
getPath = System.PrivateProfileString(getIniFilename(), "General",
End Function

Now, replace the occurence of all the hard-coded paths with such
a construction and you're done. The only thing you need to adjust
is now the ini file (use a text editor) :)



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