


hi, i set up a subdomain through my hosts control panel.
(vdeck) i did this so that my FP search would not search
this part of the site. i did this by specifying the path
to the folder. now i have a subdomian set up, but how can
i actually keep this folder from also being viewed as
mydomain/folder and keep it from being searched? (i can
view it as or folder) i don't want people to be
able to view it as the latter, or have it included in my


To remove from Search:
Assuming your host allows subwebs, convert the folder to a subweb. The FP
WAIS search will not search subwebs. If hosted on Windows and using Index
Server, then the Index Server catalogue for your site must be edited to
exclude the folder.

You cannot stop users from accessing if they
choose to do so - obviously, links from the root web to any pages in the
subdomain must be absolute ( ).
You could use JavaScript, or ,better still, server side scripting, to
detect the URL used to access a page in the folder. If the URL is then redirect to an error page, if URL is then display the page. (I have never tried this, so do
not know if it will work).

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