subform as popup



Hi all

I have lots of small forms which collate data from the end user, which
relate to another main and subform. To help you understand I will have to
give you some background info:

Main form Table: Dealer Claim
Subform Table: Dealer Issues (one to many to Dealer Claim)
pop-up forms Table: Dealer Claim Data (one to one to Dealer Claim)

The key is: Country, Dealer, ReviewDate, ClaimNo

The query I have is the popup data is triggered by the user selecting an
Issue Code on the Subform. Certain Issue Codes require extra info capturing.
I have the tables defined ok and the trigger method etc... but rather than
having all the data as other subforms, I want them as pop-ups to the end user
so they retain focus and require data entering before the user can continue.
There are at least a dozen different fields in the Dealer Claim Data table
which MAY require an entry if the corresponding Issue Code has been used and
several Issue Codes use the same fields eg Repair date is used by Issue 9700
and 9730.

So, what I want is when 9700 is entered if Repair Date does not exist in
Dealer Claim Data, it shows my popup form (which I've called 9700). I know
how to do this bit (I think?) but how do I put the data back to the table? I
know how I can get the key data populated but my problem is the record for
the key MAY already exist and if so I need it to UPDATE the field I have just
entered rather than create a new record (which would obv cause duplicate key

Sorry if this is confusing, anyone help with this pls?


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