Subform Control




I need some help in refering a subform control in a parent form.

I have below line in Parent form which is called as "frm_edit_front_end",
Subform is called as "sub_frm_appeal".

Call load_appeal_data("frm_edit_front_end", "sub_frm_appeal")

I have below code in the Module.
Public Sub load_appeal_data(frm As String, subfrm As String)
Set dbslog = CurrentDb
sSql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_appeal_new WHERE SSN = '" & social & "' and AppSeq
= '" & App & "' and AuditType = '" & Audit & "' and ProdSeq = '" & Prod & "'"

Set rstlog = dbslog.OpenRecordset(sSql, dbOpenSnapshot)
With rstlog
Forms(frm)(subfrm)("appeal_comments") = !appeal_comments
end with

"appeal_cooments" is a control in a subform. I get an error message as "MS
can't find the field "sub_frm_appeal". Could you please anyone help me in
solving this issue.

I appreciate all your help.



The syntax from the parent form is:

Where SubformControlName is the name of the subform control on the main
form, not the name of the form identified in the control as the source object.


Thank you so much. That helps. I was actually using the name of the form
identified in the control as the source object.

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