Subform Default Key Value when adding new records to table



I have a form for table A that calls another form for table B through
a button. When I hit the button on the form for A it will give me all
records in B that correspond to the key value in A but when I want to
create new records in B the default value for the key is zero. I
want the default value of the key in B to be the key value from
record in A. Can this be done and if so how do I do it?

Thanks for your help.



Turns out I asked the question too soon. I just figured it out.
Please disregard my request.

Allen Browne

Hi James

Glad you figured it out.

As a side issue, consider setting the Required property to Yes for the
foreign key field in your table, so you cannot accidentally save a record
without a foreign key. (This tends to happen if you enter a record in the
subform when the main form is at a new record.)


I'm having the same problem, and I haven't figured it out
yet LOL! Can someone clue me in please?

Allen Browne

HI Sandra.

1. Open your table in design view (the one the subform is bound to).

2. Select the foreign key field (the one that matches a value in the main

3. In the lower pane, remove the zero beside the Default Value property.
This will stop Access from trying to assign the nonsensical value of 0 when
no other value is assigned.

4. At the same time, set the Required property of the field to Yes. This
stops Access from saving a subform record if the foreign key is left blank.


Thanks for the tip on the required property.

What I did was set the default value property for the key field in the
subform to the value of the field in the main form like this:

=[Forms]!["Main form name"]!["Key field"]

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