Subform Help


r. howell

I have a database which is dealing with contracts.

I have tblContracts, tblDetails with foreign key ContractID,
tblBids with foreign key Contract ID, tblBidDetails with foreign keys BidID
and DetailID.

I am trying to make a form so that we can enter the actual bids on a
contract with all their bid details, in one convenient place.

I have a form which gives all the contract information in the heading.
A subformA within this gives the bid information for a specific bidder.

Within this subformA (I think) I need to have another subformB which shows
all of the BidDetails on the contract, and allows the user to enter the
amount which that specific bidder given on subformA has bid on each detail.

I have written a query which joins tblBids with tblBidDetails. When I use
the subform builder in the toolkit, and join on ContractID I'm fine, and the
form shows all the bid alternates. I can add bids, but the subform does not
fill in the ID for the Bid.

If I tell the toolkit builder to also join on the BidID, I get no entries
(presumably because there are not yet any BidDetails in the system--but I am
trying to write this form to make it possible enter BidDetails.

Hope this makes some sense.


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