Subform If Function


Andy Roberts

I have a subform on a client form which shows all the invoices specific to a
particular client. On the subform (which is continuous) I have InvNo,
InvDate, InvAmount, Overdue,PaidDate, PayType

The Overdue txt box calculates the amount of days overdue if the InvDate is
more than 30 days ago. If its within 30 days N/D appears in the txt box
(Not Due). This works fine and the code I'm using is


I have used conditional formatting so the background colour of the Overdue
txt box changes depending on whether the account is 30, 60 or 90 days
overdue. This also works fine

2 questions...

1. If I don't enter an Invoice date (because I wanted to input the invoice
but wait until I decide on the date to invoice) I still get N/D in the
overdue box. How Do I keep the Overdue box clear if there is no invoice
date, but still maintain what the about code achieves.

2. The more pressing question is that when I input a paid date I want the
overdue box to grey out but display the amount of days diff between the inv
date and the paid date so I can she how long each invoice took to get paid.


Andy Roberts
Win XP Pro
Access 2007
Liverpool, UK

Mark A. Sam


I'll answer question 1. Try something like this (not tested):


I'm not understanding question 2, sorry.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

Christopher Robin

I think you'll need to do this all in a Form OnCurrent event and/or on a
control's After Update event. You can actually do all the conditional
formatting and calculations there, as well as add a check for a null.

If IsNull(Me.InvoiceDate) THEN
With Me.InvoiceDate
..Value = ""
..BackColor =


After a paid date has been entered, you can change the control and disallow

If Me.PaidDate <> Null THEN
WITH Me.PaidDate
..Enabled = False
..BackColor =



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