Al Camp
Can anyone give me some information on how to prevent
Continuous subforms from "jumping" during Refreshes or Requeries?
Given 20 sub records and the cursor on record 10 (say Rec 10
is 5 records from the top of the subform)... when a
refresh/recalc/requery occurs anywhere on the form, the subform
jumps up so that record 10 is now just below the top of the
subform. I'm sure we've all seen that one...
It's a bugaboo I've been trying to solve for some time now.
I have used Stephen Leban's SetGetScrollBars, and it works
well for basic situations, but I find it hard to control when I
try to refresh other controls on the same form. If I need to
Requery a ListBox somewhere else on the Main form, the subform
jumps, even though I don't need to requery it specifically.
Isn't there some simpler method to keep subforms from
jumping... or at least "freeze"
them during other form requeries?
ANY help at all will be appreciated... and thanks in advance.
Al Camp
Continuous subforms from "jumping" during Refreshes or Requeries?
Given 20 sub records and the cursor on record 10 (say Rec 10
is 5 records from the top of the subform)... when a
refresh/recalc/requery occurs anywhere on the form, the subform
jumps up so that record 10 is now just below the top of the
subform. I'm sure we've all seen that one...
It's a bugaboo I've been trying to solve for some time now.
I have used Stephen Leban's SetGetScrollBars, and it works
well for basic situations, but I find it hard to control when I
try to refresh other controls on the same form. If I need to
Requery a ListBox somewhere else on the Main form, the subform
jumps, even though I don't need to requery it specifically.
Isn't there some simpler method to keep subforms from
jumping... or at least "freeze"
them during other form requeries?
ANY help at all will be appreciated... and thanks in advance.
Al Camp