Subform Problem



I have got a form with 2 subforms.
The main form is based off of a query(qry1) that looks for a certain value
in tbl1. The first subform is linked to the main form and has a record
source of tbl2, this form works fine. The second subform is linked to the
main form and has a record soucre of a different query(qry2) to find if a
entry exist in tbl2 for the same month. Here is the kicker.
I can go and open tbl2 to see if any data is present,(there isnt) and I can
open qry2 to see if any data exist(there isnt) but when I open the form the
second subform has a number in it??? How is it being populated if there is
no data existing in the table or query?

Scott Millhisler

If there is no data in the query then the form is going to open in Append
mode to enter new data. The values that you see populating certain fields
are likely the result of default values defined in the underlying tables.

This would be my guess until proven otherwise.

Scott Millhisler

SJM Computer Consulting


I believe you are right one this one, I went and deleted the default values
and it worked liked I needed it. Thanks Scott!

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