Subform query



Hi All,

I have a form which has a combo box on it, with a list of staff members
in it.

A macro is linked to its event so when it is changed it requery's a
subform I have on the page.

The subform is a query, below is the SQL:

SELECT [Main tbl].[Full Name], Format([ADDED_DATE],"mmm yy") AS
[Authority Date], Sum([Main tbl].AMOUNT_GRANTED) AS [Sum Authorised],
Avg([Main tbl].AMOUNT_GRANTED) AS [Average Claim], Count([Main
tbl].AUTHORITY_NO) AS [No of Claims]
FROM [Main tbl]
GROUP BY [Main tbl].[Full Name], Format([ADDED_DATE],"mmm yy")
HAVING ((([Main tbl].[Full Name])=[Forms]![Advisor
ORDER BY [Main tbl].[Full Name], CDate(Format([ADDED_DATE],"mmm yy"));

As you can see its grouped to show the spend these members of staff are
authorising at monthly intervals.

Is it possible that if I double click on a month in the subform that it
will open that month and show the relevant information?

I cannot think of a way to do this but I'm sure it is possible.


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