Subform Subtotal to Main form linkage problems ????? help



Hello all,

I have a form that has three subforms each with a subtotal. I have these
subtotals in the footer of each subform. I then have a field on the main
form called GrandTotal which sums these three subform subtotals.

It works fine unless one of the subforms has no record. Then the GrandTotal
field just displays nothing.


is the value I have it set to.
Ideally, I would want the field to treat a lack of a record as 0. How can I
accomplish this? Thanks.

'69 Camaro

Ideally, I would want the field to treat a lack of a record as 0. How can I
accomplish this?

Use the Nz( ) function. Try: (Watch out for word wrap, since this is all
one line.)

= Nz([GeneralTransactionsSpendQRY2].[Form]![SubTotal], 0) +
Nz([SoftwareTransactionsLicenseQRY].[Form]![SubTotal], 0) +
Nz([SoftwareTransactionsMaintenanceQRY].[Form]![SubTotal], 0)


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devastator442 said:
Hello all,

I have a form that has three subforms each with a subtotal. I have these
subtotals in the footer of each subform. I then have a field on the main
form called GrandTotal which sums these three subform subtotals.

It works fine unless one of the subforms has no record. Then the GrandTotal
field just displays nothing.


is the value I have it set to.
Ideally, I would want the field to treat a lack of a record as 0. How can I
accomplish this? Thanks.

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