


I have a main form and a subform. Both form properties for data entry is
set to NO, and All Records

The main form contains employee data. The Sub form contains weekly pay
information. I key one employee's pay records, choose another employee
from the main form, and key that person's data. If I then choose the
previous employee in the main form, I cannot see the data in the subform. It
is however in the table, but I would like to see it in the form, and edit if
I need to. When I go back to view, the subform shows a blank form, with
number 1 of 1...blank

I need basic inctructions please.


ruralguy via

What do you have in the LinkChild/MasterFields properties of the SubForm
control? Is there a common field in both Employee table and the Pay table?
That is what should be used as the LinkChild/MasterFields. An AutoNumber in
the Employee table as a PrimaryKey and a LongInteger field in the Pay table
as a ForeignKey work the best.


The Link Fiefds data type are set to text. It is the employee's ID, and for
our specific purpose can either be a number or a letter, also it cannot be an
auto number. Is the a way that can work?


ruralguy via

It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text. Again, you
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you relate
the two fields.
The Link Fiefds data type are set to text. It is the employee's ID, and for
our specific purpose can either be a number or a letter, also it cannot be an
auto number. Is the a way that can work?

What do you have in the LinkChild/MasterFields properties of the SubForm
control? Is there a common field in both Employee table and the Pay table?
[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]


When I choose an employee from the employee records form...which is the main
form, in the subform the same employee shows,up, showing that the fields are
linked. But my problem is as mentioned I am not able to scroll theough all
the pay records for any one employee.
What can be the problem

ruralguy via said:
It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text. Again, you
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you relate
the two fields.
The Link Fiefds data type are set to text. It is the employee's ID, and for
our specific purpose can either be a number or a letter, also it cannot be an
auto number. Is the a way that can work?

What do you have in the LinkChild/MasterFields properties of the SubForm
control? Is there a common field in both Employee table and the Pay table?
[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]

Gina Whipp


Allow Additions and Allow Edits making sure they say 'Yes'

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Christina said:
When I choose an employee from the employee records form...which is the
form, in the subform the same employee shows,up, showing that the fields
linked. But my problem is as mentioned I am not able to scroll theough
the pay records for any one employee.
What can be the problem

ruralguy via said:
It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text. Again,
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you
the two fields.
The Link Fiefds data type are set to text. It is the employee's ID,
and for
our specific purpose can either be a number or a letter, also it cannot
be an
auto number. Is the a way that can work?


What do you have in the LinkChild/MasterFields properties of the
control? Is there a common field in both Employee table and the Pay
[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]


ruralguy via

So you are saying that Pay Records for the Employee show up in the SubForm
but for some reason not all of them?
When I choose an employee from the employee records form...which is the main
form, in the subform the same employee shows,up, showing that the fields are
linked. But my problem is as mentioned I am not able to scroll theough all
the pay records for any one employee.
What can be the problem
It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text. Again, you
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you relate
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]


No, actually no records show up, just a blank input form, number 1

ruralguy via said:
So you are saying that Pay Records for the Employee show up in the SubForm
but for some reason not all of them?
When I choose an employee from the employee records form...which is the main
form, in the subform the same employee shows,up, showing that the fields are
linked. But my problem is as mentioned I am not able to scroll theough all
the pay records for any one employee.
What can be the problem
It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text. Again, you
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you relate
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]

ruralguy via

Hi Christina,
In a prior post you said that the pay records *did* show up. Is the problem
No, actually no records show up, just a blank input form, number 1
So you are saying that Pay Records for the Employee show up in the SubForm
but for some reason not all of them?
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]

Gina Whipp

What is the LinkMaster/LinkChild fields between the main form and the
subform? Sounds like those are not linking to the correct fields.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Christina said:
No, actually no records show up, just a blank input form, number 1

ruralguy via said:
So you are saying that Pay Records for the Employee show up in the
but for some reason not all of them?
When I choose an employee from the employee records form...which is the
form, in the subform the same employee shows,up, showing that the fields
linked. But my problem is as mentioned I am not able to scroll theough
the pay records for any one employee.
What can be the problem

It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text.
Again, you
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]



Thanks. Checked and it was linking by two fields. Deleted on. Works now.
Thanks so much.

Gina Whipp said:
What is the LinkMaster/LinkChild fields between the main form and the
subform? Sounds like those are not linking to the correct fields.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Christina said:
No, actually no records show up, just a blank input form, number 1

ruralguy via said:
So you are saying that Pay Records for the Employee show up in the
but for some reason not all of them?

Christina wrote:
When I choose an employee from the employee records form...which is the
form, in the subform the same employee shows,up, showing that the fields
linked. But my problem is as mentioned I am not able to scroll theough
the pay records for any one employee.
What can be the problem

It can work the way you have it as lonk as both fields are text.
Again, you
need to get the pay table set up properly or Access will not ley you
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]


John W. Vinson

Thanks. Checked and it was linking by two fields. Deleted on. Works now.
Thanks so much.

<mild grump>

As I asked last Friday (emphasis added):

If that's not it, please post the Recordsource properties of the main and
subform (post the SQL if it's a query), ***and the subform's Master and Child
Link Field properties.***

If you'ld checked it then you could have saved yourself, me, Gina and
rurualguy some time.


Sorry but I am not an expert at this, and sometimes I don't really understand
the instructions .

Regrets, Thanks again.

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