


Hi there,

In the case that a form/report contains many instances of a same form/report
as a subform/subreport,
is there a way for a subform or a subreport to know which one it is compared
to the main form?
in other words, how can the child know who is he compared to his/her
brothers.. am I subForm1, SubForm2 or SubForm3??

Thanks for any suggestion :)

Dirk Goldgar

warrio said:
Hi there,

In the case that a form/report contains many instances of a same
form/report as a subform/subreport,
is there a way for a subform or a subreport to know which one it is
compared to the main form?
in other words, how can the child know who is he compared to his/her
brothers.. am I subForm1, SubForm2 or SubForm3??

Thanks for any suggestion :)

If the subform is currently active -- has the parent form's focus -- then
code on the subform should be able to test by way of the parent's

'------ start of example code #1 ------
Dim ctl As Control

With Me.Parent.ActiveControl
If .ControlType = acSubform Then
If .Form Is Me Then
MsgBox "I'm in the control named " & .Name & "!"
End If
End If
End With
'------ end of example code #1 ------

If the subform may not have the focus when the code is executed, I believe
you'd have to loop through the parent form's controls:

'------ start of example code #2 ------
Dim ctl As Control

For Each ctl In Me.Parent.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acSubform Then
If ctl.Form Is Me Then
MsgBox "I'm in the control named " & ctl.Name & "!"
Exit For
End If
End If
Next ctl
'------ end of example code #2 ------

Marshall Barton

warrio said:
In the case that a form/report contains many instances of a same form/report
as a subform/subreport,
is there a way for a subform or a subreport to know which one it is compared
to the main form?
in other words, how can the child know who is he compared to his/her
brothers.. am I subForm1, SubForm2 or SubForm3??

I think you can use:



Great!! thanks a lot for the your quick response and the code sample
Have a nice evening

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