


Good Morning,

Have a subform for data entry.1,000 employees.Entering
GrantYear, Paid Time,etc... After entering the grant
year, 04,on tab, the subform goes to the 2nd record for
the same employee. Need to finish entering paid time
etc...and then go the next employee. Maybe I have set up
the subform table wrong. GrantYear, EmployeeID (link to
parent form), Paid Time, Upaid Time etc....
There should be one record per employee. As always,I
appreciate your help, you all are the greatest. I have
learned so much from the group. Better than school
training I have had!

Steve Schapel


Do you mean that the main form has a record for each Employee? And the
subform is for entry of some sort of data about Grant or something,
where there are potentially more than one record per employee, but only
one record for each employee per year? If so, it looks like your table
might be ok, but a form/subform design like this is awkward for the data
entry point of view if you want to go through and enter this year's
Grant for each employee. There would be a number of ways to handle
this. Here's one... Make an Append Query to add 1000 records to the
Grant table (or whatever it's called), one for each EmployeeID and with
the GrantYear entered as 04 for all new records (assuming I have
understood you correctly!) Then, make a continuous view form based on a
query that includes both tables, so you can include the Employees' names
so you can see them on the form on the form, and with a criteria to only
show the 04 GrantYear records. And then all you have to do is run
through the records on this form, and enter the PaidTime and UnpaidTime.


Hello Steve,
The main form has employee info. On the grant form, the
main has basic employee info name, id, dept and the
subform will be to enter their granted time for the year
04. Yes only, 1 record per employee. I will try your idea
Thank you for your reply. appreciate it.

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