Subforms and Layout


R Weston

I waned to know if there was anyway to force a subfrom to a perticular size no matter what resolution the user is running or how large their access window is when the parent form is opeaned?

I know this would force the user to scroll, but i'd rather have that than have the subforms height reduced to a point where it's 'invisible'.

Additional Information:
The subform is in the details section of the parentform, so i'm not sure if this is a setting i would have to make in the parent form to not allow the details section to resize or if i can force the subform size and leave parent unchanged?

I do see the CanGrow and CanShrink options. Currently, neither the Details sectoin of the parent from or the subform CanShrink.

Both Cangrow though.

Any suggestions/solutions would be appreciated.


Peter De Baets

It sounds like you may have information in the header and footer of
your form and the subform in the details section, and when the form
opens, there's no way to predict how large the detail section is?

One thing you can do is put your header and footer information in the
detail section and get rid of the header and footer sections entirely.

Another thing you can do is put the entire form in a (big) subform
control on another parent form. Then the size of this subform control
determines the size of your form (header, detail and footer sections).

You can also try using the docmd.movesize command to set the size of
your form window from the form OnOpen event procedure.

Hope this helps,

Peter De Baets
Peter's Software - MS Access Tools for Developers

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