subforms- copying fields



I have 1 subform containing home address and 1 subform
containing correspondence address. 99% of time the
addresses are the same. To avoid entering data twice, I
would like to set up a control button which, when pressed,
copies data from home address to corres address.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Jeff Boyce


Rather than store the same text strings (delivery address, city,
state/province, postal code) twice, another approach would be to create an
address table, including a primary key.

Then, when you associated an address with a (?person, organization, ...?),
you'd be using the primary key from the address table as a foreign key. If
that entity has two addresses (same or not), you'd store two foreign keys,
pointing back to a (one or two) address(es) in the address table.

JOPO (just one person's opinion)

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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