subforms in the way


mark R

when I go to design view of my main form, I always have to
drag and move my subforms out of the way so I can see and
edit the basic main form that they ly over.

The subforms are layered one over the other.

Is there a way to avoid all that rearranging?

PC Datasheet


You could put a tabcontrol on your main from and put each subform on a separate

Ken Snell

Another method that can be used in design view is to select the control to
be "edited" via the Properties window's combo box list of controls, and then
use Format | Bring to Front to bring it to the front so that you can edit
it. If the control is to remain under the subforms in actual use, then
you'll need to use the Send to Back action after you're done editing.

mark r

Ken, your answer was more of what I was looking
for....BUT....while I figured out how to move subforms to
the back of other subforms.........I still could not
shuffle the most underlying original mainform to the top.

I can't seem to have the Format | move to front option in
active status for that main original form.

So I guess I must have done something inefficiently when I
first selected the subform object and pasted it to the

If you can't shed some light on my confusion, I thought I
might try to set the windowheight property of my subform
to .1000 when I am not using it and change it to .49 when
the user selects the command button to make the subform
visible, and then shrink it down to .1 and make it
invisible when the user hits the "hide command button"
via CODE.

Ken Snell

Bring to Front works only on individual controls, not on the Form itself.
You'd need to select the control that is on the main form (the control that
is under the subform).

As for making the subform invisible, just set the Visible property of the
subform control (the control that holds the subform object). Set it to False
when you want to make the subform invisible:
Me.SubFormName.Visible = False

and set it to True to make it visible.

mark r

I already use .Visible and set it to true or false using
Visual basic under user control buttons. But that only
makes it invisible in FORM VIEW. For instance, if in FORM
VIEW I click my command button to make the subform
INVISIBLE, when I go to DESIGN VIEW, the subform is still
visible and in the way of getting to the main form for
further design work.

If this should not be the case, I am interested in
figuring out what is going wrong.

However, I figured out a work around and I am OK now. I
set the subform's HEIGHT to 0.015 Then the lower
main form is revealed.

I figured that out as a result of considering your replies.
Thanks for responding.

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