


I have one main form. and I have 2 forms that are linked
to the main form in 1 to many relationship.

I want to create one form and 3 subforms..

It only allows me to create 1 subform?

Can you help?


John Vinson

I have one main form. and I have 2 forms that are linked
to the main form in 1 to many relationship.

I want to create one form and 3 subforms..

It only allows me to create 1 subform?

What "it"? How are you trying to create the subform?

If you're using the Form Wizard, it's pretty limited in its
capabilities. You can create a Subform many ways; probably the
simplest is to open your Form in design view. Make sure the Toolbox is
visible (use the View menu item if it's not). Click the magic wand
icon to turn on the toolbox wizard, and select the Subform tool. Drag
the mouse onto the form to outline the area where you want the subform
(it can be resized later) and follow the wizard prompts.

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