


This is probably going to sound kind of dumb, but I'm
rather knew at this.

I'm trying to put together a simple database for tracking
errors in our publications. I have a simple form put
together that lets users put in things like their name,
the publication's name, hours spent looking for errors,
etc., but there may be more than one error associated with
each publication. How can I set up the form so that
multiple errors can be put in?

Thanks for any help, and sorry for the newbie style



A multi-select list box is perfect for these types of
needs. The user can select from one or more of the
values in the list box.

Warning, you will need to have a fair amount of VB
knowledge to program the saving of that data and you will
definately need to setup relational tables that will
allow you to point one record to multiple errors. YOu
could do it the flat way and store each value with the
pub name, person, etc., but that is really a poor way to
save your data.


Mark Reed

I'll do my best Dave,

You will need two tables :-
1. A publications table.
2, An errors table

You need a one to many relationship between your publication table and the
errors table. Each publication record can then have multiple error records
associated with it.

Then you have a main form which holds the publication data. Inside this main
form you have an errors sub form which holds the error records for each

I hope this overview can get you started.



Thanks very much to both of you who replied!! That should
give me plenty to get started!


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