Subfrom problems



How is the second subform that has a subform related to the main form?
Generally, the second subform also has to have the EmployeeId to maintain
the relationship to the Main form. The second subforms, subform must be
related to the second subform's primary key.

Main Form tab: EmployeeID (PK)
1st Subform tab: ?(pk); EmployeeID (FK), related to Main Form
2nd Subform tab: ?(pk); EmployeeID(FK), related to Main Form
Subform to 2nd: ?(pk); ?(FK), this key must relate to 2nd Subform PK.

Note: Your 1st tab should always contain the Main form part of a

Van T. Dinh

Which one doesn't work? The 2nd Subform or the SubSubForm (2nd-level

Have you checked the LinkMasterFields and LinkChildFields Properties of the
one that doesn't work?

Fay Yocum

I have a main form with a tab control. On one page of the control I have a
subform connected to the main from by the EmployeeID. That one works as
expected. On another page I have put a second subform that has a subsubfrom
on it. I can not get it to work for some reason. Trying to troubleshooting
the situation I removed the subsubform. That didn't help. I have reattached
the subform several times. Does anyone have any other ideas?



Fay Yocum

Thank you for your reply. I have an internet access problems and have been
preparing to move.

Again I have a Main form, tab control then a subfrm that has a subsubfrm.
The subfrm doesn't work and so the subfrm doesn't work also.

Main form named frmEmployees and is tied the qryEmployees (PK = EmployeeID)
Tab control on frmEmployees
On the first page I have subfrmProLic based on the qryProLic. The
subfrmProLic is tied to the frmEmployees by the EmployeeID.
On another page I have subfrmIncidents again linked by EmployeeID
On the subfrmIncidents there is a sub from called subfrmIncidentCost this is
tied to the subfrmIncidents by the IncidentID.

Any other thoughts.


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