Subject Line enters "right justified"



very odd, just one day out of the blue every e-mail or clendar subject
line entry seems to insist on being entered "Right justified".

The cursor starts at the left side of the entry field, but as soon as
you type the first letter, the cursor jumps all the way to the right
and enters the text right justified. Very annoying, and I cannot see
what setting I inadvertantly affected. Anyone else seen this? Any

Thanks in advance for any dirrection anyone can give.


OK, I am VERY sorry, had I taken the time to do any research on this I
would have seen the abundance of posts on this very bug. For that I

<begin rant>
HOWEVER, SEEING the abundance of posts on this problem , dating back
quite a while, is MADDENING! This is VERY annoying, SHOULD have been
caught in testing, and should be fixed quickly and released
professionally. The MAC side of MS may not be the favored child over
there, but PLEASE lets fix obvious bugs that must be bothering many
people as you can assume that MANY entourage users don't post to this
group; they just become dissatisfied users.

Comments such as "you never have to reply to compex HTML" messages
does not seem to recognize the reality of rich media usage today, I get
and send MANY e-mails leveraging HTML content and I DO expect to be
able to respond to them, and for my associates to repond to mine. This
is like the old doctor joke, "Doctor it hurts when I do this....."
--Poor response and pathetic customer realtionship management. "Well
then Don't do that" is not a useful response.

The shortage of features comparable to Outlook is frustrating enough
without this added complication.

As far as previous responses that imply that this may (or may not) be
ahd to fix, and we don't have "any idea" what it would take. Well, I
was a programmer, and I can tell you NONE of my customers cared - or
should have - if a bug is hard to fix, that is what the programmers are
payed for, what customers pay for and they should not be made to feel
guilty for expecting that.

As a former Unix biggot, I here many complaints about the MS Windows
world and Microsft, If this is indicative of the approach ot the Mac
side of the house, I can only say the Windows users don't know how good
they got it!
<end rant>

I will watch to see if and when this gets fixed.


I too just had this show up out of the blue. The font has also shifted
a size or something but it looks different than before. I also notice
text of Calendar items will show up in between the actual format of
entry boxes, if that makes sense . It seems like a corruption of fonts
could cause this, but also it could be Entourage corruption. Have you
tried to reinstall Entourage yet? I'm going to see of the fonts
Entourage is accessing are ok. Let me know if you find anything out/
Thnx. Still looking for the other posts about this...

Craig Deutsch

For anyone interested in knowing whether their particular "right
justification" symptoms are similar to others (i.e., some sort of cathartic
relief), I have posted several screen shots related to this VERY annoying
bug here, for whatever it might be worth to you. I'm really hoping that MS
gets on the stick and fixes this. Link below.

And, in case anyone's interested, this problem was *not* immediately
apparent when I configured a new G5. MOF, Entourage worked fine for a few
hours -- even after clicking on the dreaded HTML email -- but only until I
installed something that Entourage didn't like as I neared the end of my new
setup process. With exception of my MS Office Identities, I did NOT copy
over Libraries and Preferences from my old computer.

Another guy with whom I had corresponded indicated to me that his symptoms
appeared after he installed Photoshop CS. I did not find this to be the
case with my recent installs.

In any event, the bad news is that I didn't take a scientific approach to my
install process and hence don't know exactly at what point it happened. I
still, however suspect some issue between OS X system fonts, MS-installed
fonts, and OS X itself. But I'm no programmer, so that's just an uneducated

Anyway, here's the link to the screenshots:


Craig Deutsch
San Diego

Barry Wainwright

<begin rant>
HOWEVER, SEEING the abundance of posts on this problem , dating back
quite a while, is MADDENING! This is VERY annoying, SHOULD have been
caught in testing, and should be fixed quickly and released
professionally. The MAC side of MS may not be the favored child over
there, but PLEASE lets fix obvious bugs that must be bothering many
people as you can assume that MANY entourage users don't post to this
group; they just become dissatisfied users.

I can assure you, many people inside MS as well as a dedicated team of
testers were involved in testing office 2004 for a long time before it was
released. The fact is, this bug only affects a very small percentage of
users. Yes, there are several reports of it in this newsgroup, but the vast
majority of users are not seeing this problem. It appears that the bug did
not hit anyone in the testing team.

You can be assured that MacBU are now aware of it and I would expect a fix
to be forthcoming in a future update/release.

Bill Weylock

Since you¹re posting stuff, Craig, maybe post a system profile so someone
else with the problem might check to see what software you have in common?


- Bill

For anyone interested in knowing whether their particular "right
justification" symptoms are similar to others (i.e., some sort of cathartic
relief), I have posted several screen shots related to this VERY annoying
bug here, for whatever it might be worth to you. I'm really hoping that MS
gets on the stick and fixes this. Link below.

And, in case anyone's interested, this problem was *not* immediately
apparent when I configured a new G5. MOF, Entourage worked fine for a few
hours -- even after clicking on the dreaded HTML email -- but only until I
installed something that Entourage didn't like as I neared the end of my new
setup process. With exception of my MS Office Identities, I did NOT copy
over Libraries and Preferences from my old computer.

Another guy with whom I had corresponded indicated to me that his symptoms
appeared after he installed Photoshop CS. I did not find this to be the
case with my recent installs.

In any event, the bad news is that I didn't take a scientific approach to my
install process and hence don't know exactly at what point it happened. I
still, however suspect some issue between OS X system fonts, MS-installed
fonts, and OS X itself. But I'm no programmer, so that's just an uneducated

Anyway, here's the link to the screenshots:


Craig Deutsch
San Diego

Panther 10.3.6
Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003


OK, I am confused. SO many users are able to view HTML mail,
withoutthis happening?

FWIW, I have an eMAC, and NO softweare istalled other than what cam
with the eMAC, and , of course , microsoft Office.

So if we are thinking it is some exotic combination of 3rd party
software installs that is making this happen, it is not.

Also, I guess, I was under the impression that MS KNEW the root cause
of the bug, and just had not gotten a fix shipped yet? NO? MS is not
yet sure of the root cause?

If the root cause is known, then please let us in on why "many" users
are not seeing this problem but us, the lucky few (or at least the
VOCAL few) are. IF I need to unload a Font, I can and will do this.
If I need to unload some software (although I really don't have
anything loaded) I will consider this. Right now the only software to
unload that will solve this problem is ENTOURAGE!

I too expect that a a fix will "be forthcoming in a future
update/release", but the question is WHEN, and why would this blind
faith be justified on my part based on the history. (especially if the
root cause is not yet known)

Honestly, I have always been a fan (and shareholder ) of Microsoft, so
I hope to find a solution soon.



POSSIBLE SOLUTION: After months of suffering with this bug, I finally
diagnosed the conflict that was causing the right-justify font problem
in Entourage, thanks to an Archive and Install with a fresh system. The
problem reappeared when I loaded the Shutterfly Internet Plug-Ins. Once
I removed them from the Library>Internet Plug-Ins folder, the problem
went away- 100% repeatable. If you have these Plug Ins, I recommend you
try removing them, or any other suspect Plug Ins - it seems they affect
the html rendering engine used by Entourage. I hope this helps.

Paul Berkowitz

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: After months of suffering with this bug, I finally
diagnosed the conflict that was causing the right-justify font problem
in Entourage, thanks to an Archive and Install with a fresh system. The
problem reappeared when I loaded the Shutterfly Internet Plug-Ins. Once
I removed them from the Library>Internet Plug-Ins folder, the problem
went away- 100% repeatable. If you have these Plug Ins, I recommend you
try removing them, or any other suspect Plug Ins - it seems they affect
the html rendering engine used by Entourage. I hope this helps.

Thanks for reporting back, amcjames, on all those issues. It's been
forwarded on to MS.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


Thank you. This fix also worked for me.

Could you post a new thread so that others who have reported this
problem over the past few months are able to benefit. Thanks again.



This solution worked for me--also 100% repeatable. Thanks for the
detective work.

Could you post a new thread on this--a bunch of people on this group
have had this problem and I'm sure would like to try this out. Thanks



Wow. I never would have found this solution on my own, but sure enough,
Shutterfly was the culprit! It took me days just to figure out what to
call this particular problem so as to find a solution like this!



JFizz said:
Wow. I never would have found this solution on my own, but sure enough,
Shutterfly was the culprit! It took me days just to figure out what to
call this particular problem so as to find a solution like this!


Further confirmation - I too removed the Shutterfly plug-in and had
immediate relief from this bug.
Thanks to everyone.

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