Subject: Suggestion for Excel 2007 - Comment Coloring



Hi all,

I wrote this suggestion to Microsoft at;en;1208&showpage=1&ws=search

If you feel as strongly about this problem in Excel 2007 as I do, I ask that
you copy / paste the suggestion listed below into the site listed above.
Thanks for your help!

Subject: Suggestion for Excel 2007 - Comment Coloring

Observation: In both Excel 2003 and 2007, cell comments can be formatted
using one of two methods.
One is to use the "Format Comment" pop-up window and the other is the
formatting tool bar in 2003 - or - the ribbon's Font group under the Home
tab in 2007.

Given the scenario where three words need to be colored red, green and blue,
the first method will require 18 clicks of the mouse to accomplish this
task. This is because the "Format Comment" pop-up window precludes the user
from selecting comment text when it is open.

Conversely, the second method can accomplish this same task with 6 clicks of
the mouse. This is because the formatting tool bar or ribbon are always
present and the user only needs to select the text and then select the

Obviously, with a 66% reduction in mouse clicks, the user will always choose
method two.

However, as is documented in Excel 2007 "Help" where it states "To change
the color of the text, right-click the comment, and then click Format
Comment", method two is no longer an option in Excel 2007.

Suggestion: Restore method two comment formatting functionality to Excel

Benefit: Formatting comment colors will take 1/3 the time.

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