I have a number of custom popup/shortcut menus I have created using the basic
format of:
With Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls _
.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, before:=1, temporary:=True)
.Caption = "Records"
.OnAction = "GoToRecords"
End With
For clarity sake and incase I am using the wroing terms, a short menu for me
is a temporary menu that appears near a cell when you right click it. I am
now interested in adding submenus to some of the popup menus buttons. I am
assuming that these would appear when you click the menu item. How do I go
about doing this? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
format of:
With Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls _
.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, before:=1, temporary:=True)
.Caption = "Records"
.OnAction = "GoToRecords"
End With
For clarity sake and incase I am using the wroing terms, a short menu for me
is a temporary menu that appears near a cell when you right click it. I am
now interested in adding submenus to some of the popup menus buttons. I am
assuming that these would appear when you click the menu item. How do I go
about doing this? Thank you in advance for your assistance.