Submit button for feedback form



Hi I created a very simple website with a feedback form. I set up the form to
send to my email address with the Submit. However for reason it's not working
or submitting to my email address.

My guess is that I am not the first person to experience this. Any
suggestions on how to resolve it? Thanks

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Your web server must:
1- have installed FrontPage server extensions and the must be working
2- have FrontPage's forms handler enabled (some do not allow it's use even
if you have FPSE installed)
3- you must publish your web via the http:// method - not ftp.
4- your email address must be (usually...almost always) in the same domain
as your web.

Post the url to your problem page for more suggestions/help.


In addition to Rob's excellent list of essentials, you might read through
this article: Publisher web publication forms 101:

And perhaps Reference: Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista also would apply to Pub 2003. FTP and HTTP
uploading has changed with the introduction of IE7 and Vista.


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