Submiting to different Data Sources


George L.

I am using Infopath 2003

I have a form with a submit+retrieve connection to an access Database

I am using This connection to a Form and all are going fine.

I have created a retrieve + submit web service to an SQL Server
When i am using this service to a new form all are going well.

When i am trying to have A single form with 2 views each using the
afformentioned connection something is going wrong and the submit to the web
service does not work

For starters can i have 2 different subbmiting methods in the same form with
different data to send?

As a sample service i am using this from msd

When both submiting connections are present i am getting an error of the type

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process
request. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.

K.Ramana Reddy(GGK Tech)


Why are you using two data submit connections in a single form?. There is
any specific reason?

Check below link, you will get some information about submitting for each
view separately,

For the error you are getting , Please debug the code you have written.

I hope this will help for you.

George L.

I am trying to imitate a Ms Access Form operation,
I need to submit data to multiple tables at the db. Due to the ralationships
between tables i cant have only one submit data connection to a db .

That made me think of web services , so i made a Web Service that can
retreive and update data to a single table. The web service works fine in an
infopath form mapped only to this service. Things are getting hard when i am
combining the two forms as a new form with two views

Thanks for your swift reply

K.Ramana Reddy(GGK Tech)

I have one question for you,
are you submitting the data from the two views using webservice or only one

George L.

1 Form.
Different Data Presented in each view.

1st view Uses the submit+retrieve connection to an ms access db to do

2nd view uses data to display/submit only from web service (2 methods
retrieve +update)

The form doesnot work well under this scenario view 1 works ok view2 fails.

If i implement the above scenario as 2 different forms all are working OK.
Thing is i dont want to use multiple forms.

Thanks again.

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