Submitted task is not coming though to approval



I am a PM and approve all timesheets. Recently I have had a person submit
there timesheets for 2 task, one has come though without any issues to be
approved and then the other has been submitted but has not come though to

Does anyone have an idea why this may be?

Thanks in advance

Jonathan Sofer

Is this approval of "My Tasks" in MSPS 2007? If so, you need to verify that
you truly are the "Status Manager" of the task in question. You will need
verify this through Project Pro.



I’m using MSPS 2003, and yes this is for approval of My Tasks. I am set as
the PM on the project so am unsure why this is occurring.

I think status manager is a feature only on the 2007 version.

Any ideas anyone?

Jonathan Sofer

I would re-publish the project plan for that specific task with the
assignment you are not seeing and are having issues with.

1) Highlight the troublesome task in the project schedule
2) Go to Collaborate>Publish>Republish Assignments
3) Select the option to "Become the owner of this assignment"
4) Make sure you are setting the publish for the select items only.

See if that now shows the submitted task under you Approvals page in PWA.


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