Submitting InfoPath form to Web service sends no values.



Hello, I worked through the example at - - and all seemed
well until I attempted to submit the InfoPath 2007 form to an Access database
via a web service.

That is 'newForm' (parameter in WebMethod) returns <namespace>.<class> as a
string while - 'command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubmitterName",
newForm.completerName);' - returns an error "Parameter @SubmitterName has no
default value."

I seem not to be able to access the values from the submitted form in order
to save them to the Access database. However if I replace
'newForm.completerName' with a placeholder say, 'Joe', in the 'AddwithValue'
line above it sends ok.

Can someone please help?

Also, my OS is Vista and I noticed there is no adodb.dll on the system;has
this any link to the matter above.

Shiva (GGK Tech)


While taking the web service connection are you giving sample for SubmitForm
method? This sample value is giving directly in that connection or bind to
any node. If you bind to any node then that node should contain value to
execute your web service.


Hello Shiva,

If I understand you, the WebMethod is setup to accept the root node of the
Data Source in my form. For example - SubmitForm(myFields newForm) - as in
the tutorial with the URL I mentioned earlier (below).

Then in the form, the Submit option is exactly as shown - the parameter is
the root node of the Data source with 'include the XML Subtree including
selected element'.

Interestingly, whether I submit the form this way or as an XML Document +
PI, the same error is returned.

Please let me know if I misunderstood your comment.

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