Subpage Navigation



OK. One last suggestion for the evening. I have a section with lots
(hundreds) of subpages. When I click on the up or down arrows in the
page/subpage navigation area, instead of going to the next subpage/page and
displaying the new group of subpages, instead it shows me the new group of
subpages but goes to the page just above the arrow. This means, for example,
if I'm currently viewing page 282, the last page just before the down arrow,
and then press the down arrow, I go to page 303, not 283! I don't want to
skip over 21 pages.

The down button should take me to the next "off the screen" page.

Even better, it would be nice if a singe click on the area was a page down
function described above but a tap and hold would allow me to SCROLL through
the pages.

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