subpages cost/benefit



I have been keeping an ON daily journal with a Section for each month, Page
for each day.

If, instead, there was only 1 Section, 1 Page for each month, a SubPage for
each day.. would there be any good reason to not do it that way?


Rainald Taesler

joljol2 said:
I have been keeping an ON daily journal with a Section for each
month, Page for each day.

If, instead, there was only 1 Section, 1 Page for each month, a
SubPage for each day.. would there be any good reason to not do it
that way?

Are you using the "Daily Joural" PowerToy"?



Not using DailyJournal power toy.

Just making a page per day, in a section per month - at present.


John Guin [msft]

The one advantage I can see to the section per month would be to have fewer
pages in a section. Scrolling up and down with a large number of pages can
be annoying (at least to me).

Other than that, whatever works for *you* is the best solution.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm trying that Journal powertoy now.

The .one file it created for this month is Dec0ber ? where 0 = zero

I made another section at the same level that I named December. The powertoy
icon only goes to the Dec0ber section.


- - -

Rainald Taesler

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm trying that Journal powertoy now.

The .one file it created for this month is Dec0ber ? where 0 = zero

I made another section at the same level that I named December. The
powertoy icon only goes to the Dec0ber section.

I'm sorry. I'm not doing any "journal" work in ON.
So I only tested the PowerToy a very long time ago but never actually
worked with it.

Not having any experience, unfortunately I'm not able to help.
Perhaps someone else might jump in.
But I suggest that you open a new thread with "DailyJournal PowerToy" in
the subject.


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