Subquery Question - continued



In trying to do a somewhat complicated query which it turns out will require a
subquery, I'm trying to create a simple example and see if I can get this
simplified version to work. So look at this example:

ID InvoiceNumber CustomerName InvoiceDate
1 12345 Steve 03-Jul-09
2 23456 John 01-Jul-09
3 34567 Steve 07-Jul-09
4 45678 John 08-Jul-09

Based on an example from the web and some excellent advice from John Vinson
and John Spencer, I've created a query that will display records that have a
predecessor - in other words an invoice which is not the first invoice for
customer. I have this:

SELECT tblInvoice.CustomerName, tblInvoice.InvoiceNumber,
(SELECT TOP 1 Dupe.InvoiceNumber
FROM tblInvoice AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.CustomerName = tblInvoice.CustomerName
AND Dupe.InvoiceDate < tblInvoice.InvoiceDate
ORDER BY Dupe.InvoiceNumber DESC, Dupe.InvoiceDate) AS PriorValue
FROM tblInvoice
WHERE ((((SELECT TOP 1 Dupe.InvoiceNumber
FROM tblInvoice AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.CustomerName = tblInvoice.CustomerName
AND Dupe.InvoiceDate < tblInvoice.InvoiceDate
ORDER BY Dupe.InvoiceNumber DESC, Dupe.InvoiceDate)) Is Not Null));

This works and gives me this (columns may not line up in this post - but
there are 4 fields):

CustomerName InvoiceNumber InvoiceDate PriorValue
Steve 34567 07-Jul-09 12345
John 45678 08-Jul-09 23456

Now I want to modify this. There is another table called tblLines


ID InvoiceNumber Item
1 12345 peppers
2 23456 grapes
3 23456 bananas
4 12345 peaches
5 34567 grapes
6 12345 blueberries
7 45678 oranges
8 23456 bananas
9 34567 cherries
10 23456 cherries
11 45678 cherries

I want to create a query that will find customers and invoices that have
as a line item AND the customer purchased something previously - but not
Thanks for any help on this.

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