subquery question; should be easy for you



Hello, thx for reading.

shopping for groceries will be a perfect analogy for my needs.

What I want is to get the total bill (sum of all items) for shoppers in
any given day, but only for the people with ketchup or cereal on their

however, unlike a real grocery receipt, i don't store a "total" field
in the table, only an amount field that i will later sum.

so, in pseudo sql:

select sum([amount]) from [details] where any [item] like "*cereal*" or
"*ketchup*" and date=#1/11/05#

it's the "any" part of the query that has got me stumped. I can create
a subquery that searches for the desired items, but I can't figure out
how to sum each persons bill based on finding 1 or more of those items.



Brendan Reynolds

SELECT Sum(Details.Amount) AS SumOfAmount
FROM Details
WHERE (((Details.ShopperID) In (select shopperid from details where item
like "*cerial*" or item like "*ketchup*" and datebought = #1 November


thx, that was a good starting point, but that gives me the some of the
whole table, in other word all of the grocery bills.

I want to know the sum of each persons bill independantly

* bill 1
- item = ketchup, price = $1.00
- item = cereal, price = $2.00
- item = tuna, price = $3.00
* bill 2
- item = tuna, price = $3.00
- item = cereal, price = $2.00
* bill 3
- item = tuna, price = $3.00

my query would return:

bill 1 = $6.00
bill 2 = $5.00

bill 3 would not return a row because it doesn't have ketchup or cereal
in it. I need, for each record in the parent table, to return the sum
of items bought (detail record) if, and only if, they match the given


I figured it out.

I first created a sub query grouped by bill using your IN sub query to
filter even more

I then used a main query to attach all the other fields I needed.


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