Subracting Time.



How do I subtract time?? For example

A1=20:00 HRS
B1=15:00 HRS

I want to always subtract 1:00 hour from the result. , =(A1-B1)-1 I get,
How can I get 4:00 as the answer??


Time is stored internally by Excel as fractions of a 24-hour day, so
do this:


Hope this helps.


Shane Devenshire

The question is how are the times entered - are the enter as 15:00 meaning 15
hours or 3 PM?

If you subtract 20 from 15 you get a negative number and then you subtract
another 1, more negative. If the cell where the formula is is formatted to
time you will get #####. Excel does not handle times as negative.

Shane Devenshire

My appologies for the last email I read B1-A1.

In your case the problem is the -1. 1 represents an entire day. whereas 1
hour should be entered as =1/24

My comments about Excel handling negative numbers are still correct.

Dave Peterson

One more:


How do I subtract time?? For example

A1=20:00 HRS
B1=15:00 HRS

I want to always subtract 1:00 hour from the result. , =(A1-B1)-1 I get,
How can I get 4:00 as the answer??


Perfect, it worked!! Thanks!!!

Shane Devenshire said:
My appologies for the last email I read B1-A1.

In your case the problem is the -1. 1 represents an entire day. whereas 1
hour should be entered as =1/24

My comments about Excel handling negative numbers are still correct.

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

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