What wouldn't the following create a control?
Dim Rotatereport As Object
' This is a Template Report with only one Control: RotateLabel
DoCmd.OpenReport "RptRotReport", acDesign
' New control in my Report
Set Rotatereport = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acCustomControl, acDetail,
, , x, y)
' Get OLE Data from Template Object RotText
Rotatereport.OleData = Reports!RptRotReport!RotReport.OleData
' Close Template Report
DoCmd.Close acReport, "RptRotReport"
' Do cosmetics
Rotatereport.Escapement = 90 ' Rotation
Rotatereport.ControlSource = "=VDONUMMER" ' Formula of Field
Rotatereport.SpecialEffect = 0 ' no Borders
Rotatereport.Width = 300
Rotatereport.Height = 1600