subreport totals



ok this is quite complicated...
Ive made a report with a subreport in it. they are linked
by CALL NO. both these reports are based on queries.

each report is printed by the call no. the call no is
decided by what call no is shown on the CALLS FORM at that

i am trying to put totals from my subreport onto my form.
i have no idea how to do this, i think it is something like


but i dont know wat to put as my criteria. it should be
something like

"[call no]= ......."

but im not sure what should come instead of ..........

any help would be much appreciated


It's not as complicated as it looks...
It should look like this:
DSUM("[FieldName]", "TableOrQueryName", "[IDField] = " &
Or if you are in the form's /report's module, use
DSUM("[FieldName]", "TableName", "[CallNo] = " & Me!
where Me is a general object refering to the form/report
the module belongs to (you don't need to define it or
FieldName is the name of the field you want the Sum action
preformed on, and TableOrQueryName is of course the name
of the table or query where you want this action commited.
Good Luck!

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