Subreports - connecting date spans



Hello! I need some help. I have created a database with multiple data entry
tables. Each table has a date field. I need to pull this data together
based on a date range (ex. 1/1/07 through 3/1/07) But because the dates in
each table don't match exactly the subreports are not pulling all the data
for the date span. There is not fields that match within all the tables.
This is a report showing an overall view of everything for that week, month,
year, etc.

Any suggestions?




before you open the report, save the filter to your subreport. Use this
method for Filtering Subreports or before Outputting Report or before
using SendObject

Sub SetReportFilter( _
ByVal pReportName As String, _
ByVal pFilter As String)

' written by Crystal
' Strive4peace2006 at yahoo dot com

' pReportName is the name of your report
' pFilter is a valid filter string

' SetReportFilter "MyReportname","someID=1000"
' SetReportFilter "MyAppointments", _
"City='Denver' AND dt_appt=#9/18/05#"

On Error Goto Proc_Err

'---------- declare variables
Dim rpt As Report

'---------- open design view of report
' --- and set the report object variable

'use the hidden parameter to open if you don't want to see it
DoCmd.OpenReport pReportName, acViewDesign
Set rpt = Reports(pReportName)

'---------- set report filter and turn it on
rpt.Filter = pFilter
rpt.FilterOn = IIf(Len(pFilter) > 0, True, False)

'---------- save and close the changed report
DoCmd.Close acReport, pReportName,acSaveYes

'---------- Release object variable
Set rpt = Nothing

Exit Sub

msgbox err.description,, _
"ERROR " & err.number & " SetReportFilter"

'press F8 to step thru code and fix problem
'comment next line after debugged
Stop: Resume
'next line will be the one with the error

resume Proc_Exit:

End Sub

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

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