Subroutine Library



I am looking foran efficient way to build a subroutine library. I have
thought of just using an excel file with a lot of mofules or using access.
They each have drawbacks. How are you managing your subroutines?

fumei via

As this is the Word programming forum, the answer is: global template files.

ALL - just about - my code modules are in global templates. These are loaded,
or unloaded as required. I have virtually nothing at all in my

For example, my main code library has:

modBookmarks - all my procedures that deal with bookmarks
modFormfields - all my procedures that deal with formfields
modNavigation - navigation procedures
modPrintingStuff - duh......
modStringSubs - various string manipulation functions and procedures
modTables - for a bunch of procedures dealing with tables

etc. etc.

I do NOT have this code library file in Startup. I have a wee .dot file in
Startup that has a simple and small procedure that allows me to load/unload
my various global templates (code containers...routine libraries..whatever
you want to call them) from a network folder.

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