Subscript out of range (Error 9)


John in Surrey

Hi folks
I have a macro run for a form combo box, all works OK

I wish to use at vb combo box, have placed my code inside to run on
change .
All runs, I copy my template spreadsheet and go to rename it based on
the date selected from my combo box, the rename fails, error 9

Sdate = Format(cmbDate.Value, "dd mm")

' append name of sheet based on choice of day or night roster
If Sheets("menu").optDay.Value = True Then ' Day Roster
' Day roster
Sname = Sdate & "-D"
' night roster
Sname = Sdate & "-N"
End If

' check if sheet by that name exists, if false proceed
If SheetExists(Sname) = False Then
If Sheets("menu").optDay.Value = True Then ' if Day Roster,
copy day roster template
Sheets("Template").Visible = True
Sheets("Template").Copy Before:=Sheets(2)
Sheets("Template (2)").Select <= Error 9 HERE
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = Sname

I think I have a hint of the problem, is it the () characters?
Any fix possible?

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Tom Ogilvy

The new sheet (copy) will be the activesheet, so you don't need to select
it. You can refer to it as the activesheet

Sdate = Format(cmbDate.Value, "dd mm")

' append name of sheet based on choice of day or night roster
If Sheets("menu").optDay.Value = True Then ' Day Roster
' Day roster
Sname = Sdate & "-D"
' night roster
Sname = Sdate & "-N"
End If

' check if sheet by that name exists, if false proceed
If SheetExists(Sname) = False Then
If Sheets("menu").optDay.Value = True Then ' if Day Roster,
Sheets("Template").Visible = True
Sheets("Template").Copy Before:=Sheets(2)
Activesheet.Name = Sname

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